On Tuesday, Transform Series 2 got underway in style with Webgains COO Ami Spencer’s session ‘Building Resilience: When the World Zigs, we Zag’. Ami’s session, is now available to watch on demand via Webgains Academy to those who have registered for the series. If you’re yet to register, you can do so for free here.
Following the opener, the second session of Transform Series 2 is almost here. You can watch ‘Affiliate Vox Pops: The Affiliate Marketing Mix’ from 10am this Thursday (20/01/22) on Webgains Academy.
Speakers in this session

In case you haven’t come across Transform before, it is our virtual web series that aims to help both businesses and employees in developing their skills in order to succeed in the ever-changing business environment. Throughout Transform, we’re assembling a range of thought-leaders, change-makers and true industry disruptors to offer their insights on the skills needed to transform your business, life and career.
Watch this session now via Webgains Academy
What to expect from this session?
Webgains Publisher Manager Bryony Hatherley is joined by representatives from a trio of leading publishers. Each publisher operates in a different area giving a fantastic insight into the why they’re so effective. Watch to learn why partnerships with a diverse range of affiliates is a must for any retailer with a programme.
Watch the video below to get a taster of this Transform session.
This session covers
- Hear from big name publishers operating in cashback, rewards, and CSS
- Discuss the spectrum of players in the publisher space
- Why a reliance solely on traditional publishers isn’t enough
- Getting the right mix of affiliates to improve visibility and mitigate uncertainty
- The rise and rise of new publisher types in the technology space
- Publisher shifts to multichannel strategies
- What’s the next big thing for affiliates?