Welcome to our Department Spotlight Series, where we shine a light on our brilliant teams and the people within them. Within this series, we’ll give you a sneak peek into life at Webgains, as well as an insight into what makes our affiliate network and technology platform stand out.
For our fifth instalment, we talk to the Client Support Team aka Edge Team and find out who the Edge (self-managed) service is for and how it can aid business growth, as well as the team’s recent successes.

Top row L – R : Ana Castro, Tineal De Wet
Bottom row L – R : Rhian Kohn, Tizia Sanner, Ulrike Fuller
What role does the Edge Team play at Webgains?
UF: In a sentence, the Edge Team supports our Advertiser clients with any concerns or questions they might have regarding the Webgains platform, their own programme, or affiliate marketing in general.
TDW: We also regularly speak with Publishers who have any questions about working with our self-managed Advertisers.
RK: Ultimately our role is to make sure that our Advertiser’s programmes launch smoothly and go from strength to strength. A complimentary performance coaching call post-launch really helps with this.
What motivates the Edge Team?
RH: As part of the Client Support team, my day is varied and extremely busy. The best part of being in this team is utilising my passion for people and the industry. We support our clients to get the most out of their programmes and affiliate networks. What motivates us is the learning process and using that growth to offer the best customer service to clients.
AC: We are very proud of what we do: helping our clients grow, showing them all the advantages of affiliate marketing and building relationships with them. And as Rhian said, providing the best customer service around!
“We are very proud of what we do: helping our clients grow, showing them all the advantages of affiliate marketing and building relationships with them. And providing the best customer service around!”
Tell us more about Webgains Edge. Who is the product for and why?
AC: Webgains Edge is our self-managed proposition. It’s mainly geared towards SMEs and scaleups, and is the perfect starting point in the affiliate marketing channel for many growing brands. We do a lot of training with our clients, as many don’t have any experience in affiliate marketing, and it’s fantastic seeing them grow (their businesses and their programmes) after applying our advice.
What does the perfect Edge client look like?
TDW: An enthusiastic, responsive Advertiser, willing to learn and apply the knowledge that our team shares.
AC: We honestly love a person that asks questions. There is no such thing as a silly question, and an Advertiser eager to learn, will be able to grow their programme faster. A big part of our job is answering questions, and it’s never a bother. We would much rather someone ask us questions and make strategic decisions based on their learnings, than not take any risks with the programme because they are unsure. We understand that the affiliate channel is new to so many of our clients. To that end, explaining the basics is part of our job and we never mind doing it. Everyone learns in different ways!
TS: Due to the service we offer, we are not able to provide the level of bespoke service that a fully supported programme receives. However, we are always happy to help and answer any queries that our Advertisers have. Our team has a 48h hour response time but in the vast majority of cases, we respond on the same day within a few hours. We understand that affiliate marketing can be an overwhelming concept if you haven’t come across it before, so for us, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
What makes the Webgains Platform and service different?
TDW: The service has heart. We love what we do and we offer our clients the best support.
AC: Our platform is always growing and evolving. We try to make it as intuitive to work with as possible, while giving you all the information you need to run your programme successfully, including connecting you to the right Affiliates for your programme. We do love what we do, and we are very proud of the service we offer. Most of the people in the team have a background in small or medium-sized businesses, so we really understand the needs these types of clients have, and we like helping them grow.
RH: We endeavour to make the platform as easy to navigate as possible so that our clients can spend more time growing their network and increasing revenue. One tool that helps us do this is Affiliate Discovery – our unique AI and ML technology that analyses over a hundred data points, between our Advertisers and every single publisher, to select the strongest matches. The service at Webgains is equally people-oriented; we pride ourselves on giving tailored advice, with concise and transparent explanations. Whether it’s helping with technical tasks or going the extra mile, our client’s experience is at the heart of what we do.
The service at Webgains is equally people-oriented; we pride ourselves on giving tailored advice, with concise and transparent explanations. Whether it’s helping with technical tasks or going the extra mile, our client’s experience is at the heart of what we do.
What are your recommendations for Advertisers looking to start their first affiliate marketing programme?
TDW: Make sure you are able to dedicate one to two hours per day to your programme. Approve Affiliates daily and email them directly to build relationships.
It’s an exciting time for affiliate marketing and Webgains at the moment. Tell us about some recent successes your department has experienced.
AC: There have been some really exciting developments on the platform recently, which is not something our team has done directly, but we are very happy about it because of what it means to our clients. For example, Affiliate Discovery which Rhian already mentioned. We are always looking at how we can improve the service we offer, and how we can help our clients grow their programmes, which is one of the reasons our team has doubled in size over the last couple of years.
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We work around 2000 Advertisers globally. If you’d like to harness the power of affiliate marketing within your Spring activity, sign up using the button below. Alternatively, get in touch with our team to gain bookings for exposure.
About Webgains
We’re the high performance affiliate marketing company because we combine cutting-edge technology and world-class expertise that put our clients — from blue chips to start-ups — at the top of their game. Our market insight leads the field and we believe in sharing this expertise with you. We’re motivated by your success and coach you every step of the way — wherever we can add value. We don’t think of ourselves as a supplier – we’re on your team. This means when you win, we win too.
Webgains was founded in 2005 and since 2006 we’ve been part of the ad pepper media International N.V., which is listed on the stock market.