Programme description
Why Join the Cytoplan Affiliate Program?
Cytoplan Ltd provides an innovative range of science-based nutritional supplements supplying the needs of healthcare professionals and consumers. The company was founded in 1990 by health practitioners, including doctors and nutritionists, with many years’ experience in nutrition therapy.
Cytoplan is a leader in the highly specialised food-based supplementation sector with a product range continually developed based on the latest nutrition research for optimally ‘bio-effective’ products. Not all vitamins and minerals are the same and a bio-effective nutrient is one that will easily be taken up into human metabolic pathways and have a biological outcome that is beneficial to health.
Cytoplan is wholly owned by the AIM foundation, a charitable organisation that addresses the issue of community wellbeing plus health and nutrition projects in the UK and overseas. Cytoplan has supplied supplements to over 6,000 health professionals in the UK and overseas such as doctors, dentists and nutrition therapists. The company offers an incentivised, nurturing and supportive programme for health professionals and students.
How do you benefit from the Cytoplan program at Webgains?
Banners: Creatives updated in line with promotions and seasonal events
Commission: earn 8 – 12% commission
Cookie Length: 20 days
Affiliate Approval: manual
Voucher Codes: Currently only generic codes
Cytoplan PPC Policy
PPC Policy restricted.