Back in spring at we started “Things we read” email string to share links to books, articles and videos around professional advice and leadership.
Here is a part 2 the highlights we selected to share. The great finds and suggestions were contributed by Shayan, an Account Director, and Rosie, a Senior Account Manager here at Webgains.
Option B – A book about resilience and facing adversity from the CEO at Facebook – Sheryl Sandberg.
The Discomfort Zone – A talk from Farrah Storr (editor in chief at Cosmopolitan) about finding success outside your comfort zone. She also has a book out with the same title.
Here’s a good one I like, a TED talk on How to Speak so that people want to listen
You probably know Tim Ferriss – he has a mega-popular podcast focused on lifestyle, productivity, health and everything an overachiever can dream of. 😊 This is also the guy who wrote 4-hour workweek. Tim sends out succinct , 5-Bullet Friday newsletters that are quite cool.
Live Like a Hydra – an article by Buster Benson on Medium. I felt some of his opinions are arguable, still a refreshing point of view. The antifragility idea is especially interesting .
Seth Godin’s blog. He is an advocate for permission marketing and his daily tips are usually about advertising, selling, marketing and positioning but he also covers more general areas; for example, this article was a real revelation for me: Ignore Sunk Costs.
This is part of a weekly series published on LinkedIn & Webgains Blog. For more information contact press@webgains.com.