Back in spring at we started “Things we read” email string to share links to books, articles and videos around professional advice and leadership.
In part four we share with you some thought-provoking articles and concepts, but also a link to something that we hope will remind you that no man is an island, and we’re all in this together.
Write Like You Talk article by Paul Graham (a guy who co-founded the influential startup accelerator and seed capital firm Y Combinator). It was published back in 2015 but I think it’s timeless and worth reading.
Shoshin (beginner’s mind) term is something I think about lately; here is a link to definition but also this interesting article.
Notes to strangers – Although not linearly work related, still quite fun to scroll though on your lunch break.
This is part of a weekly series published on LinkedIn & Webgains Blog. For more information contact press@webgains.com.